BDI 2.11 and large hard drives.

Anyone know if BDI 2.11 has a problem with larger hard
The fdisk program from the BDI disk does not seem to
find the hard drive but fdisk from Red Hat 7.2 does,
but gives a warning that there are more then 4000 some
cylinders and that some older versions may not work.

I can install RH 7.2 just fine but BDI 2.11 will not
install, it boots up asks a bunch of questions but
dies with an exception error.  Not trying to get EMC
and RH7.2 running on the same computer, I just want to
take a look at EMC.

Exception Occurred
    Traceback (innermost last):
      File "/usr/bin/anaconda",line
    342, in ?
        intf,run(todo,test = test)
      File "/usr/lib/anaconda/",
    line 1135, in run
      rc =apply (step[1](),step[2])
    File "/usr/lib/anaconda/",
    line 576, in __call__
        todo.getCompsList ()
      File "/usr/lib/anaconda/",
    line 467, in getCompsList
        self.comps =
        File "/usr/lib/anaconda/",
      line 8, in readComps
        return ComponentSet(self.tree +
      File "/usr/lib/anaconda/",
    line 326, in __init__
    line 299,in readCompsFile
      File "/usr/lib/anaconda/",
    line 46,in __getitem__
      return self.packages[item]
        KeyError: basesystem

Andre' B.
If something cannot be defined, it does not exist.
Isaac Newton

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