Re: embedded emc and GPL

You don't want to understand, do you?

You are not required to use anything that is GPL. But if you do use
components that are GPL you are bound by the GPL. If you make something that
has great potential for economic gain for yourself it would probably be wise
to invest in creating or purchasing a non-GPL set of tools to do that
development. As is, these tools are available under GPL for those of us who
cannot justify the expense. If someone has developed a piece of proprietary
code that would be highly valuable to others there are choices to be made -
Do I wish to pursue the development of the idea, the protection of the idea
(copyright and patent are useless (worthless) if you don't have the
resources to defend you copyright/patent in court (the full proof rests on
you). Much of the stuff that is out there under GPL has been placed there
because those involved either didn't want to restrict the use of their
ideas, or didn't have the resources to fight over it.

> Hi Pete
> > An thus the ability to purchase (for a fee) NON-GPL libraries so your
> > does not fall under the GPL. One is not required to use the GPL'd
> > libraries
> > to write code for Linux, it just costs less and is rather convenient.
> That's kind of an "if you want to be evil, then be evil, but let us alone"
> argument, I constantly hear from free software "hardliners". Indeed, you
> have just explained how the GPL effectively _promotes_ the use of
> proprietary, closed-sourced software.
> Sorry for that one, just couldn't stand ;-)
> Best regards
> Markus

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