Re: installing emc on a server questions


If I understand your question correctly, you would
like to install emc on only 1 "server"?  Then network
6 other computers and run EMC from the server, right?

I'm no expert in this area, but I'm pretty sure that
in the script there is a line or two that
checks if annother emc process is running, and
prevents two from running.  Also, I think that for a
client/server version of emc, you would still need the
hardware driver installed on each of the 6 seperate
machines.  I think that you might be able to just
install the stuff under /emc/src/emcmot on each 6
machines, which is the real-time portion.  Then (in
theory...I think) you could install the task and IO
and emc on the server.  The other problem I see is
that emc uses a RT-FIFO (like a pipe kinda where info
is sent from one process to another) or mbuff (like
shared memory) to communicate between the real-time
and non real-time processes.  To communicate across a
network typically a socket interface is used. 
Presently I don't think emc supports this.

One other thing I am more sure of is that TCP/IP
communications are inherently non real-time.  Thus
even if you could run everything completly from the
server, you would loose the garantee that emc was
running real-time.  RT-LINUX does have a module for
real-time communications (not TCP/IP but UDP) over
ethernet, but I believe much of the emc source would
have to be rewritten.

Pretty cool idea though.  If you get it working, you
will tell us all how, right? :)

--- "Terry L. Ridder" <> wrote:
> hello;
> i have a few questions concerning emc.
> the project i am doing involves converting 6
> bridgeport
> boss machines to rtlinux, emc, and an external magic
> box.
> instead of installing emc on 6 computers i was
> thinking
> of networking them all and have a server. i would
> install
> emc on the server nfs mount /usr/local/emc on all
> the
> controlling machines.
> 1. would this type of installation present a
> problem?
> 2. has anyone done this type of installation?
> 3. anyone have a guess if network traffic may cause
> problems?
> -- 
> Terry L. Ridder
> digging deep, i feel my conscience burn
> i need to know who and what i am
> this hunger jolts me from complacency
> rocks me, makes me meet myself
> ----kendall payne---closer to myself---

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