Re: Hardware with existing EMC drivers?

"Dambacher, Ulf" wrote:

> Hi
> I'm lurking on this list some time now, but now I did not have time to try EMC until now.
> So now I'm looking for the i/o-hardware:
> Besides Servo To Go, are there other (possibly cheaper) i/o-hardware solutions to control a servo?

Yes, I've got my parallel port motion control.  It is a piece-by-piece set, so you only buy
what you need (4 axes at a time).  the digital I/O has opto-isolated inputs and mounts the
solid state relays right on the board, saving you an external Opto-22 mounting board.

> Who did already write a extintf.c for such a special card?

There's WAY more involved than just extintf.c - but I've already done it.  I'm just
finishing up the last tweaks to get it working with the latest BDI CDROM.

> Who has some combination of 12bit counter and D/A working?

My DACs are 16 bits, and the encoder counter is 24-bits.

> There was someone trying to create a parallel-port-interface with programmable logic, can someone mail me the link, I lost it...?

Could be me, but there are others talking about it.

Se my web page at


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