Re: (re)compiling from source

Hi Chris

I would recommend creating a completely new directory for the CVS sources, 
from the command line do:-

mkdir -p /home/CVS
cp /usr/local/compile /home/CVS
(Now copy both the rcslib and emc sources in to the /home/CVS directory)
cd /home/CVS/rcslib
./buildrcs linux_2_2_18
./buildrcs rtlinux_3_0
cd /home/CVS

A quick explanation of each line would probably help you on your way...
mkdir -p  creates the new directory. The p switch forces the creation of 
/home if it does not exist.
cp /usr/local/compile copies the BDI compile script to your new directory.
cd - Do I need say more ?
./buildrcs linux_2_2_18 compiles the RCS libraries for the current linux 
./buildrcs rtlinux_3_0 does the same thing for the parts required for the 
realtime kernel. The RCS libs are a set of messaging functions for passing 
data between a nonrealtime application and the realtime subsystem. EMC also 
uses the same functions for many of it's internal message passing.
./compile is nothing more than a shell script to automate the various makes 
in EMC.

If you make any changes to the EMC sources, you need not do the buildrcs bits 
unless any changes were made here also.

Assuming the build was successfull, open a console window in your desktop 
cd /home/CVS/emc

If you allready have an ini file that works for your paticular setup, copy it 
into the new emc directory and use the relevant run script.

Be warned - The CVS sources can contain bugs, and may not allways compile. To 
log any errors produced during the compile, append :-
2> error.log
to each ./build and ./compile - All this does is to redirect any error 
messages from the compiler to a text file called error.log (overwriting any 
file of that name).

Regards, Paul.

BTW Want to know what a command does ?
           Type "man <command>" and scroll through the page. Press "q" to
           quit.  A lot of it is dry and rather terse, but usefull all the
           same. What does man do ?? - Type:-
man man

On Saturday 29 December 2001 10:40 am, Chris Elshout wrote:

> Just a few more questions. cd into directoy containing emc and rcslib, do
> you mean the fresh ones from cvs or the existing ones which were installed?
> I downloaded source on a different machine and copied them  to a cd-rom and
> made a "package" directory on linux machine. Or do I copy them somewhere
> into usr/local? I want to make sure before screwing things up again.
> A few months ago I knew nothing about computers, so please excuse seemingly
> stupid questions.
> Regards Chris

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