Re: EMC crashes


Hey, I do this to mine all the time -- less so now that the buffer
problems have been found.  Will's post is excellent advice and we'll put it
on the handbook as a faq <henkka>  Most of the time for me a cold boot will
come back by itself.  

The thing to do for the bdi is to switch to freqmod and take the time to
tune it enough to work.  This release of the EMC had the small buffers and
steppermod would regularly crash.

Hope this helps.


On Fri, 21 Sep 2001, Matt K wrote:
> I am very much a EMC newbie, as well as a Linux newbie. What does one do
> when the system crashes and there's no choice but to cold boot it? I get all
> sorts of error messages (Aiee and such) and the machine won't boot.
> I've reloaded the system from the BDI disc once and would rather not do it
> again, if I can help it - there's gotta be an easier way!
> Thanks any help,
> Matt King
> Columbus, GA

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