G02 Tolerance ?

In the last few days I've gotten a foreign knee mill running under CNC, at 
least X & Y.  It's using ball screws, 750 oz-in steppers with 2:1 timing 
belts, Camtronic 5A drivers, opto-isolation from a computer running Red Hat 
6.2, rtlinux & EMC.  Now that it is functioning I'll have a bushel of 
questions, I hope you guys have some patience.  Thanks. :-)

First, I have a question regarding the g-code G02 command.  The first thing 
I'm doing is machining belt guards for the timing belts.  In checking my 
code I get the error that the radius from the start point is different than 
the radius to the end point.  I thought this was my hand coding and 
rounding to .001 but I just created code using Yeager ACE and can't see any 
problem in the code.  The code that give the error is:

G01 X0.047366 Y2.186987 f40
G01 Z0.000000
G01 X0.102140 Y2.880401 Z0.000000
G01 X10.662027 Y2.046252 Z0.000000
G01 X10.607085 Y1.350706 Z0.000000
G02 X10.607085 Y-1.350706 I10.375000 J0.000000

I think the only relevant commands are the last two.  Why does this create 
an error?  Is there a tolerance setting in EMC for this?  I could not see 
one in the '*.ini' file.

The error occurred while running "sim.run" in what I think is the standard 
distrubution.  (Thus explaining the feed rate of 40, visual output via 
backplot no cutting.)

I can work around this using radius R rather than center I&J but would like 
to know how to adjust this tolerance.

Thank you.


  Hugh & Denise Currin
    Klamath Falls, Oregon  USA

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