g-code routines


I want to develop a Tcl/Tk interface that executes programs like Jon
Elson's g-code writing routines and pops them up from somewhere in the EMC
HMI's.   I would think that it could also become a stand alone system. This
project is not intended to replace the effort to develop CAD/CAM or
conversational programming (CPLD) but should provide a modest and
reasonably quick step in the direction of assisted writing of g-code

This is where I am on this project.

1 - g-code produced would be RS274NGC compatible to allow for hard coding
within the routines.

2 - Terry said that it would not be difficult to modify jon's existing c
code to work with an interface. (whatever interface is)

3 - Jon suggested that we write a common set of specifications so that
others could write compatible routines.

4 - Common code and the derrivitives of Jon's routines would be gpl
copyright.  Specs, help, and documentation would be gpld.

5 - We would make a place for all of it in the sourceforge repository and
provide for compiling, if needed, and setup in the EMC install procedures.

6 - The Tcl/Tk interface would;
	a.  auto menu so that new routines can be accessed
	b.  query the executable for labels and variables
	c.  look for associated graphic files
	d.  produce a main entry screen from this information.
	e.  submit data to the executable
	f.  receive g-code from the executable
	g.  permit viewing of code produced
	h.  permit editing of variables and resubmit
	i.  save RS274NGC code to file or pass to other programs.

I'd like to get a working first draft of this system ASAP.

Comments?  Help? Project name? Snippets of specifications? Directory
structure?  Appearance?

Let's keep the comments on list until all that want to comment have had a
chance.  I suggest that we snip and create new sub topics to keep posts
shorter.  If it generates enough interest, I'll post summaries and create
a place on linuxcnc.org.

Thanks for your attention to this long post.  Thanks in advance for your


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