Re: Motif Style Gui


At this point EMC is evolving/maturing rapidly and I'd like to see the
variety of directions that folk can take it in.  My vote (fwiw) would be
for you to do your thing - create your vision for what a gui ought to be.  

I've got a dozen different TclTk ones that I've been playing with.  I
imagine different interfaces depending on the need, operator, integrator,
maintainer.  And I'd like to see several different windows on the system
depending upon the operator's purpose or the state of the machine. I plan
to make a couple of these available soon.

The analysis that you did of xemc is a good take off point.  I liked your
round red e-stop - it's an operator kind of thing. 

I am not very well acquainted with motif but will respond on each of your
points as soon as I get a chance to look over xemc again.


At 03:32 PM 3/22/2000 -0500, John wrote:
>Ok, I finally got around to coding up my Motif GUI:
>Reorganization is screaming out at me, but I don't want to change the

<lots of good stuff snipped>

>Alternatively, I can just make everything work exactly as it is, but use
>some Motif 3-D look and feel enhancements.
>If nobody really cares about the GUI stuff, I'll simply write my own
>version how I best know how and let criticism come in later.
>John Moore

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