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D.0.1 Fonts

We need to use a common font regime across the entire handbook - The following has been chosen :-

Normal text - left as standard 10 point.
Excerpts from ini files and sources - Smaller or Smallest Typewriter
Commands typed in at a command line - Smaller or Smallest Typewriter Italic
Output from above commands - Smaller or Smallest Typewriter Black
Colours could be used for highlighting, though this should be discouraged as it does not print too well.

Note - When more than one blank space is required between characters, use one or more ``Protected Blank'' from Insert -> Special Character. This will then be displayed correctly in the final printout. Failure to use Protected Blanks will result in 'strange' characters being printed !

Note - To avoid extra lines being inserted between each line of code or command output, terminate each line with a LineBreak (Ctrl-Return)in stead of the usual Return. It is not a good idea to use Protected Blanks at the beginning of these lines as the do not get reproduced very well.

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root 2003-05-26