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D. Notes on LYX and docbook

This file illustrates the generation of docbook documents with LYX.

Using the docbook_example.lyx as a basis to see if it is a practical exercise, a page will need to written noting any hints and tips discovered.

First tip is to cut'n paste table and figure methods to the relevant chapters.

Although *.eps graphics are claimed to be required for rendering - These are spec'ed as *png in HTML output - Images can in fact use any valid extension which will be echoed in the output. Bare in mind that if a pdf document is required, the images need to be in a postscript format first. Perhaps an effort should be made to convert ALL images to png as a matter of course.

Conversion is a simple matter of using Imagemagic from the command line with :-

convert image.gif image.eps 
convert image.gif image.png

Using anything other than *.eps can cause problems with ghostscript on startup, and also some problems with generating pdf docs. I'm not sure that a Docbook book (SGML) layout is the best one to use. It will be a trade off due to the way various options are implemented across the range of layouts. Without resorting to writing an EMC specific DTD, a compromise will have to be decided upon (personally, I favor a plain book layout).

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root 2003-05-26