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B.2.3 Virtual Desktops

Linux and the X-Window manager are multitasking. You can do many things at the same time and not have to worry much about one thing interfering with the other. You can run several desktops at the same time. Switching between them is as simple as clicking on the buttons named One ... Four on the panel. As an example of how to use these, you could click on desktop one and start kfm in the emc directory by clicking on the desktop icon that we created earlier. That desktop disappears when you press one of the other desktops. It's still there but you don't have to look at it. You can start the EMC in this desktop by clicking on one of the EMC icons. Once the EMC is running, you can switch back to the kfm by pressing desktop One. [Note: Only one instance of EMC can be run at a time]. You can toggle between desktops by holding down the <control> key and pressing the <tab> key. This pops up the named of the virtual desktop and when you release the <control> key it switches to that desktop.

In section B.2.2 we configured the desktop by opening a widget shown as figure B.4. If you reopen that widget and look under the Desktop tab you will see that you can make more or less of these desktops. You can also name them whatever you want and that name will be used on the panel and in the popup when you toggle between them.

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root 2003-05-26