Re: [Emc-users] EMC + SCARA robots?

> > 2) After the recompilation of <whatever> is done,
> I'll
> > somehow have to stick this together with
> emc...i.e,
> > make emc "see" and use this. What is the necessary
> > glue?
> With your scarakins.c & h in emc/src/emcmot, I'd
> suggest the quick'n dirty 
> method of replacing each reference to genhexkins
> with scarakins - From within 
> emc/src/emcmot, run a "make PLAT=rtlinux_3_0" to
> produce a minitetramod.o 
> linked with your scarakins.

I grepped about in emc/src/emcmot/ and the only place
I found references to genhexkins* is in the Makefile.
Only the minitetra.o target had any _real_ dependency
on genhexkins.o Is this supposed to be correct? I
think things will get particularly nasty if I replace
a reference in one file and forget to do so elsewhere.

...and since we are talking about being dirty, what if
I just replace the code in genhexkins* with the code
for scarakins* ? That way, I'll be sure that nothing
will break, and I won't have to go about replacing
references. Or is that too dirty ? :-)

> Substituting freqmod.o with minitetramod.o in the
> generic.ini file will be 
> the last step before tuning the individual
> parameters to suit your motors.

Hrm...I read the docs and decided that steppermod.o
was right for me, since I have 4 motors connected to
the parport, each motor needing 2 inputs of step and
direction. So I suppose I'll replace steppermod.o with

Note that I found minitetra.o and NOT minitetramod.o
.I assume that minitetramod.o is just a mistype. Just
thought that I'd confirm.

As a rank newbie EMC seems vast and impossibly
complicated to me. I have read the handbook, and I am
still digesting it. However, I still have lots of
questions. Once (if?) I get this thing working, I
intent to write a guide to EMC for newcomers. Although
the handbook is great, I think that the problem with
it is that it is written by people intimately familiar
with EMC (as they should be). However, what tends to
happen in such cases is that they cannot approach the
topic from a absolute newcomer's point of view, and so
many questions that immediately pop up in a newcomers
mind are left unaddressed. I am making a list of all
questions that occur to me, which I hope will help me
while writing.

Sincere regards,

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