Re: Hardware Abstraction Layer - Rev 0.01 wrote:

>I wrote:
>>>Digital values are either TRUE or FALSE.  A "bit" data
>>>type is typedef'ed for digital data:
>>>typedef enum { FALSE = 0, TRUE = 1 } bit;
>>>(C++ defines a "bool" type, but I'm not sure it is
>>>supported in C.  If it is, it would be better than
>>>creating a custom type.)
>and Will replied:
>>I recommend using "char" for boolean's.
>>A C++ bool will be 1 byte but an enum as you
>>have above will be 4 bytes.  But the type char is
>>completely unambigous. Defining your own version of
>>TRUE, FALSE and bool is something I see too many
>>programs do.  The problem is that there is no
>>way too know your definition won't conflict with
>>someone elses that is included by some header file
>>perhaps very indirectly. Even if you successfully
>>compile you can never be certain that some future
>>version of a header file you don't even care about
>>will redefine it. I always just use 0 and 1 directly
>>in my code and have given up trying to alias these
>>to FALSE and TRUE.
>I guess this is a case of conflicting requirements.
>Defining a type improves code readability which is
>a good thing.  But if somebody's include file
>breaks the code, that is a bad thing.  Most of my
>programming has been in a solo or small team
>environment, where I haven't had to worry about
>other includes, so the improved readibility and
>type checking was a definite plus.
>Which leads to a question about typechecking.
>I was operating on the (wrong?) assumption that
>the following would cause at least a warning:
>typedef int typeA;
>typedef int typeB;
>typeA a;
>typeB b;
>a = b;  /* should cause a warning, different types */
>I looked a little deeper, and at least as far as
>C is concerned, "a = b;" is legal.  Maybe I had
>some extra compiler warnings enabled when I used
>it.  I'm pretty sure lint would give a warning.
>I want the warning.  In my mind, the reason for
>typedefs is to prevent things like this, or at
>least force me to write a = (typeA)b; to indicate
>that I know I am mixing types.
>I agree with you that TRUE and FALSE are at
>risk of being re-defined somewhere else.
>How about a compromise?  Use 0 and 1 instead of
>TRUE and FALSE, and use "typedef char HAL_BIT;"
>for variables that represent digital inputs and
>outputs.  Keeping the typedef for HAL_BIT lets
>us do typechecking (with lint, if not with gcc),
>and HAL_BIT is unlikely to be redefined in another
>include file.

HAL_BIT sounds fine to me, I doubt anyone else uses it.

>>>"bit" values occupy at least one byte - no packing
>>>is done at the HAL level.  This prevents problems
>>>when two threads try to modify different bits in
>>>the same byte.
>This is the real reason I mentioned a separate type
>for digital I/O bits.  As long as each bit is stored
>as a separate entity, it is OK.  Whether we typedef
>the entity or not is basically a style issue.
>>> bit    Clamp;    /* output:  true means axis should be clamped */
>>Does this mean clamp velocity, voltage, or position? Either way
>>would we need some max value to clamp it to?
>This refers to a physical clamp that mechanically locks the axis.
>Not all machines have them, but if they are present, the high-level
>code has to unclamp before moving an axis, and might want to clamp
>any axes that are not being moved.  The clamp/unclamp decision is
>currently made in the bridgeportio task, not in emcmot, but the
>I/O bit to activate the clamp should be associated with the axis.
>>The INI file program almost definitely has to be read in a
>>user space app.  This means either each each HAL implementation
>>comes with two components a real time driver and a corresponding
>>non realtime app that reads and parses the INI file and sends
>>data appropriate for that HAL down to realtime app via shared
>>memory or fifo.  Or we always copy the entire INI file down
>>and have each HAL parse the INI data now loaded into memory.
>>My preference would probably be for the first option since the
>>less code that runs in realtime where debugging is harder and
>>mistakes are more likely to halt your system the better.
>Here is where I get to display my ignorance of the linux module
>architecture...  As I understand it, real-time code is part
>of a kernel module.  When that module is insmod'ed, a function
>"init_module()" is called inside that module.
>Is init_module() running at the user level, and simply making
>calls to the realtime kernel to install the real-time code?
>Or is init_module itself running as a real-time/kernel function?
>If init_module() is a user mode function, then it should handle
>the ini file.  If not, then I agree that a user mode helper will
>be needed.
>I've been thinking about initialization and configuration ever
>since I posted my HAL rev 0.01 message.  I've got some ideas that
>I want to post for discussion, and a number of questions that may
>simply show how little I know.  I don't have time to write it all
>up right now, but I'll try to post tonight.
init_module and cleanup_module run in kernel mode but not in real time,
so you can get away  with slightly more than you can in the realtime task
but you still can't manipulate files directly.

If there were fairly limited amount of configuration info, such as one 
or two integers
you could pass them on the insmod or modprobe command line  which ends 
up setting
variables defined with the special MODULE_PARM macro, that could be 
accessed within
init_module. But there is probably too much configuration info needed to 
use this method.
Although I believe this is how the parallel port or servo-to-go base IO 
addresses are currently set.

>John Kasunich


Will Shackleford
100 Bureau Dr. Stop #8230
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
(301) 975-4286
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