Re: New project...PCI based servo control board

your post completely reflects my thoughts.
It looks like Jon is chasing wrong crowd - his product
is too good for  hobbyists (16 bit DACs). What is the way out?
May be to increase the price (I hate to say this), put money into marketing?
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: New project...PCI based servo control board

> Jon Elson wrote:
> > I have had the PPMC on the market at US $650 for the 4 axis
> > setup with 16 opto-isolated digital inputs and place for 8
> > SSRs to mount right on the board, so you don't need an Opto-22
> > board, too.  This has 4 16-bit DACs, 4 24-bit encoder counters
> > with index channel.  For $30 extra, you get differential
> > receivers for the encoder inputs.  And, it has all the E-stop
> > logic, with a watchdog timer, built in, too.  This has been on
> > the market for over a year, and I've sold SIX units!  I haven't
> > even managed to use up the run of 10 prototype boards!
> > I have had the Universal Stepper Controller out for nearly a
> > year (I demoed it at the last NAMES show) at $200, and Ive
> > sold FIVE!  I'm basically giving these away at this price,
> > at this volume.  The FPGA on this product costs $30.  But,
> > it has 4 24-bit encoder counters (with index) and 4 digital
> > step rate generators with 24-bit rate selection,
> > So, here I have developed these products, no one wants them,
> > and yet you guys are STILL arguing over what would be the
> > all-time BEST CNC interface.
> > All I can tell you, is unless you want to invest several
> > thousand $ a MONTH into advertising, you won't sell more
> > than 10 of them a year.
> I can't speak for Craig or anyone else, but I don't intend to SELL
> anything.  I am
> well aware of how hard it is to make money selling to hobbyists.  Face
it -
> we're
> cheapskates.
> As I see it, there are two ways to build things at a profit.  One, you
> build something
> that you can sell in quantity, and you invest in the machinery, etc.,
> needed to make
> it cheap in volume.  That's basically what Gecko has done with their
> - there's
> no way they would be as cheap as they are without automation and quantity.
> The
> other way to make money is to build something that is customized or
> otherwise
> unique, and sell only to those with deep enough pockets to pay for that
> unique
> quality.  Jon, I think you are well aware of that approach with with your
> nuclear
> instrumentation.  I have done something similar selling a specialized test
> jig to
> tile testing labs.   Those deep pocket people are NOT the ones who build
> their
> own CNC machines for "fun and profit".  I just don't think it will ever be
> profitable
> selling CNC hardware to people like us. I'm not  even gonna try.
> Whatever designs I come up with, I intend to publish as completely open
> projects,
> and let anyone who wants to build them do so.  If there is enough interest
> to warrent
> buying a batch of bare boards to get the cost down, great. If not, that's
> OK too.
> I'll buy one board and build my own system.  I know it will cost as much
> not more
> than your $200 USC, but I certainly hope it will be under the $650
> of the
> PPMC system.  (Not counting the value of my time, of course!)
> If the USC had everything I want/need for my project, I might well be
> buying one
> instead of getting involved in this thing.  But is doesn't - I need a
> couple of
> additional encoder counters, and an analog output.  So being an engineer,
> I'm
> gonna build my own.  If someone else is doing much the same thing, then
> I'll
> collaborate with them.  If my needs divirge too much from what everybody
> else
> wants to do, then I'll go it alone again.  Regardless of how it works out,
> I'll post
> my schematics and code.
> Because I don't expect to make any money doing this, I've been keeping the
> design as simple and straightforward as I can.  I've avoided PCI like the
> plague,
> because I have neither the information, skills, or time to design a PCI
> interface.
> The single board computers I intend to use for my own project have an ISA
> bus,
> and I know that an ISA design is reasonable for me to do on my own.  That,
> or
> an EPP version, is the path I was planning.  If Craig, combined with the
> guys at
>, can make a PCI version, that's great.  Perhaps I can
> contribute
> to the control hardware design, and others can contribute to the bus
> interface...
> In any case, the discussions are a good thing that everyone can benefit
> from.
> John Kasunich

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