Stepper motors ...

While we are talking about stepper motors .. perhaps I can give another plug 
to these Sanyo H-Series motors I've been using recently ...

I'm using the 103H8222-5141 (double stack NEMA 34) motors ... according to 
the spec sheet they give  around 5Nm of holding torque (thats ~720 OzIn)  and 
around 4.8Nm all the way to 1KHz (thats 300rpm)   still giving 3Nm at 
3KHz(900rpm) .. thats with 4A/100VAC of drive. 

They make your old 110 OzIn steppers look like rubber band powered motors .. 
not just because they are 7 times as powerful at stall, but they carry that 
torque well up into the speed range. Thats perhaps the most amazing thing 
about them .. the wide range of speeds they will carry a good amount of 
torque over.

This is why I'm so keen to see a decent pulse rate solution for EMC, to allow 
me to use the full potential of the available hardware. No point only being 
able to run them to half speed, as then I have to up the gearing to get the 
motion speeds I need, thus less force, thus having to buy bigger motors and 
higher current drives .. much better to be able to get the best performance 
out of existing hardware.

Whilst I'm doing that little advert I might as well go the whole hog and plug who have supplied them to me, no connection with them 
whatsoever other than as a very satisfied customer.

Robin Szemeti

Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World

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