Re: Modifying EMC interface for more than one function

On Sat, 2002-12-14 at 21:58, Howard Bailey wrote:
 I was wondering how difficult
> it would be to have one version of EMC set up to run a mill and another to
> run a lathe on the same computer to be able to choose the proper version for
> the job at hand. 
The outside range of difficulty might be to use user mode linux and have
two versions each with completely separate installations tailored
exactly to the needs at hand and acting as if they were two computers on
your local network, (but really just being user mode linux on one box --
similar to virtual machines, but without the slowdown in response
time).   Since the linux kernel is modified to RTLinux for EMC, this may
not be possible, though.  does anyone know about compatibility of EMC
real time linux with user mode linux?   User mode linux is a kernel
patch that multitasks at the kernel level, and so it may conflict with
the patch for real time linux....   As far as the request to use either
or, it would not be a conflict that had a real time response problem,
but it may not be possible to patch a kernel twice, or patch RTLinux
kernel with user-mode-linux.   Does anyone know?

John Griessen

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