Angular axes


There has been list traffic about various problems with angular axes,
so I thought I would try some tests.  I will eventually (very long term)
want to use a rotary table.

I found a problem similar to J Guenther - very slow motion.  I played
around with my .ini and found that the problem occurs anytime there is
an angular axis (any of X R, X Y R, X Y Z R, X Y Z R P W).  The slow
motion also effects the linear axes - they also creep along.  I would
expect that adding a fourth axis would not effect the behavior of the
previous three, but it does.

As far as .ini understanding or parsing issues go, I did get a setup
that would run all the axes fast, by simply copying my three existing
linear axes sections (the [AXIS_0] etc) to three new sections, changed
the new [AXIS_x] tags to sequential numbers, used AXES=6, COORDINATES=X
Y Z R P W in the [TASK] section.  I did _not_ set the three new axis
type to angular (or make other changes).  The front ends (Tkemc, yemc)
then show all 6 axes (XYZRPW), and all axes will clock at high speed. 
Moves work with e.g., G1X10Y20Z30A20B30C50 ...  (also works with XYZR)

Of course It would be hard to set steps/revolution or degree since the
axis section is setup for linear units...

Tentative conclusions:
1) Problem is in setup/understanding of ANGULAR .ini configuration.

2) Something is wrong with the emc parsing of the ANGULAR ini.

Recreational Calculus - Just For Fun!

Chris Wagner

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