Re: Interpreter failure

Thanks Ray this is starting to make sense now.

> line 865 change // to #
> line 877 change // to #

So this should stop those annoying little "unknown command //" boxes!

> The tkio file that runs during startup is in emc/plat/nonrealtime/bin so
> change that one.  If you plan to re-compile or re-install you will also
> to change the same named file in emc/src/emcio.

so you cant just change tkio.tcl and expect cool stuff to happen?

> Tkio does find the defined parport in the ini file.  It will default to
> if none is specified.

OK I found that it is looking at 0x378 but not 0x278 as well like
bridgeportio does
have a look at my other post which I called 'tickle yer fancy'
I believe what I am really trying to do is 'tcl/Tk me fancy'

The manual gave me the impression that "tkio.tcl" could be manipulated to
implement io functions.

> In order to use tkio you will need to specify bridgeporttask so that task
> based NML is there to pass info to the io module.

can this look at fancy S-codes? (S0-S11) and pass them on?

> When you use bridgeporttask and bridgeportio, you will get a warning
> saying that when you turned estop off through the gui, and emc turned
> off, nothing happened to the state of the estop pin on the i/o parport.
> is presumed to happen here is that when estop is turned off, and i/o
> output number 10 changes state, external hardware will pull a relay that
> grounds the corresponding input estop signal.  When that doesn't happen,
> warning comes up.  (pretty confusing, eh!)  The purpose of this round
> approach is so that pressing an external estop will signal the controller
> that the machine has faulted out so it ought to also stop asap.

Yes I understood why it was doing it. (so the software can shut the machine
down)thats why I changed the polarity of the estop out bit. that seemed to
shut it up.

> Hope this helps.


Peter Barrett

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