Yasda YBM80 IO

I have been studying the EMC handbook closely and having varying success with the BDI setup on the P100 machine.
It is probably worth mentioning that the ancient REALTEK VGA card caused the chronic slowness of the sim.run GUI.
I replaced it with a ET4000 and now it is  cruising alaong fine.
I have included some relevant IO information from the Yasda Operators manual.
I read some earlier stuff about spindle speed control. as you can see this machine has discreet solenoid settings.
I dont know much yet about writing PLCs for such a thing or using iosh etc. so any good basic info (What am I really up against here?) would be appreciated.
I guess it really means producing Yasdaio?
Peter Barrett
table 11-1 micro-switch and limit switch
No in Diagram |         Definition of Term                 |    Note
LS1                | Xaxis Table + limit                      | only 80NR
LS2                | Xaxis Table  - limit                      |     "
LS3                | Yaxis Spindle Head + limit          |     "
LS4                | Yaxis Spindle Head - limit           |     "
LS5                | Zaxis Saddle + limit                    |  all machines
LS6                | Zaxis Saddle - limit                     |  all machines
LS7                | Spindle speed changle sig (high)  |    "
LS8                | Spindle speed change sig (low)    |    "
LS9                | Pressure Switch                         |    "
LS17              | Indexing Table clamp sig             |  only 80NR
LS18              | Indexing Table Unclamp sig         |    "
LS19              | Indexing Table Locating signal     |    "
LS20              | Indexing Table Unlocating sig      |    "
LS21              | Signal No1 for table indexing       |    "
LS22              | Signal No2 for table indexing       |    "
LS23              | Signal No3 for table indexing       |    "
LS24              | Signal No4 for table indexing       |    "
LS25              | Table clamp signal (X)                 | all machines
LS26              | Table unclamp signal (X)             |    "
LS27              | Spindle Head clamp signal (Y)     |    "
LS28              | Spindle head unclamp signal (Y)  |    "
LS56              | Rotary table clamp signal (Baxis) |  only with B-axis
LS57              | Rotary table unclamp sig (B-axis) |    "
LS58              | Spindle High Speed Signal           |  all machines
LS59              | Spindle Low Speed Signal            |    "
Table 11-2 solenoid valves
No in Diagram |   Definition of Term                           |     Note
SOL2             | Draw Bolt Clutch ON                        |
SOL3             | Table (Xaxis) Clamping                     |
SOL4             | Spindle Head (Yaxis) Clamping         |
SOL5             | Indexing Table Clamping                   | only 80NR
SOL6             | Pin location of Indexinfg Table           |    "
SOL8             | Bijur (for coolant) ON                        |    "
SOL10           | Rotary Table (Baxis) clamping           | only with B-axis
SOL11           }
SOL12           }
SOL13           }}
SOL14           }}}
SOL15           }}}} Spindle Speed Auto-change
SOL16           }}}      (see table)
SOL17           }}
SOL18           }
SOL19           }
SOL20           |   Counter balance                            |
SOL21           | Rotary Table Forward                       |
SOL22           | Rotary Table reverse                         |
SOL23           | Un-load valve                                    |  Hydraulis Unit
table 11-3 Magnet Clutch
No in Diagram      |      Definition of Term
MC2                    |      Spindle Lock
MC5                    |      Rotary table Raveluing
table 10 S-function(Spindle Speed) and solenoid valve for spindle dpeed change
S01         | 40        | 70         |     X   |          |     X   |           |   X    |          |           |     X   |          |
S02         | 50        | 90         |     X   |          |     X   |     X    |         |          |           |     X   |          |
S03         | 60        | 110       |     X   |          |     X   |           |         |          |      X   |          |     X   |
S04         | 80        | 140       |     X   |          |     X   |           |         |     X   |           |          |     X    |
S05         | 100      | 180       |     X   |    X     |         |           |   X    |           |          |     X    |          |
S06         | 125      | 230       |     X   |    X     |         |     X    |         |           |          |     X    |          |
S07         | 150      | 275       |    X    |    X     |         |           |         |           |     X   |           |    X    |
S08         | 195      | 355       |    X    |    X     |         |           |         |     X    |          |           |          |
S09         | 265      | 470       |          |          |    X    |           |   X    |           |          |    X     |          |
S10         | 335      | 610       |          |          |    X    |     X    |         |           |          |    X     |          |
S11         | 400      | 730       |          |          |    X    |           |         |           |    X    |           |    X    |
S12         | 510      | 925       |          |          |    X    |           |         |     X    |          |           |    X    |
S13         | 635      | 1150     |          |    X     |         |           |    X    |          |          |     X     |         |
S14         | 820      | 1490     |          |    X     |         |     X     |         |          |          |     X     |         |
S15         | 980      | 1780     |          |    X     |         |           |          |          |    X    |           |    X    |
S16         | 1250    | 2250     |          |    X     |         |           |          |    X    |           |           |    X    |
Here also is the M-codes as refered to by the Yasda80NR reference library:
M00                Program Stop (.......for a cow??)
M01                Optiolnal Stop
M02                End of program
M03                Spindle forward
M04                Spindle reverse
M05                Spindle Off
M06                Tool Change
M07                Mist Coolant ("air feed") ON
M08                Flood Coolant ON
M09                Coolant OFF
M21                X-Axis clamp
M22                X-Axis unclamp
M23                Y-Axis clamp
M24                Y-Axis unclamp
M30                End of Tape
M46                Dwell #1
M47                Dwell #2
M51                Index Table 90deg
M52                Index Table 180deg
M53                Index Table 270 deg
M54                Index Table 360deg

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