Re: EMC/STG II homing problem


BDI 2.12 gave no problems at all with homing speed and direction- it
responds perfectly to those bits set in the .ini.
I did not have to sign them.

It just blows right through the home switch actuation and
keeps going. Does the same if the home is tripped manually
before it gets there. I did that to check if there might be a
index pulse and home switch actuation right on top of each other.

In my application I really need the accuracy of using the
index pulse. My home switches are not designed for extreme
accuracy. By the way all this stuff works using my c code in
dos for the tech80 5638 dsp card. With a fast computer EMC
has the capability of outperforming it though.

I talked to Paul and Matt and I think the concensus is that
just a make of the EMCMOT in the proper directory will do-
as you suggest.

I have little knowledge of Linux file permissions, dependencies,

What I want to avoid is a full build using the latest CVS source
as it might have other changes and new bugs. Except for the
EMCMOT thing BDI 2.12 seems very solid so far- no lock
ups or anything yet. I have not exercised the g-code parser
completely but so far it seems fine. I want to stick to the
EMC versions on 2.12 (except for EMCMOT) for that reason.


Leslie Watts
L M Watts Furniture
Tiger, Georgia USA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Keith Rumley" <>
To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 9:21 AM
Subject: Re: EMC/STG II homing problem

> Les,
> > It seems that STG II WILL NOT home properly with the
> > other files like stg2mod.o and stg8mod.o.
> ..when looking for an index pulse, that is. I've not had  problems with
> NO_INDEX_PULSE un-commented in /src/emcmot/extstgmot.c .
>     The setup i.e. which direction the home went, was a real treat. If I
> remember correctly, it had to do with the signed homing offset direction
> motor polarity. (signed velocity might have had a part, too.) I need to go
> back and find my notes...
> > I am a BDI user unfamiliar with compiling source code
> > using GNU. I am pretty unfamiliar with Linux as well.
> Provided the EMC sources from the BDI are installed on your computer, you
> might be able to re-compile the emcmot modules from within
> /usr/local/emc/src/emcmot/ using 'make' and specifying the rtlinux flavor
> you have. (found in emc/plat)
> This has worked for me with the emcmot modules. (not the NML ones...)
> /usr/local/emc/src/emcmot/ #> make PLAT=rtlinux3_0
> > I dearly wish I just had the object file and could copy it into
> > the proper directory and call it from the .ini if that is possible.
> I could upload the stg_v2_8axis module I use, but I've changed the I/O
> addresses for the limits and enables to fit a 16IO Grayhill board. (no
> pulse w/ that...)
> - Keith Rumley
> Note: I'm using BDI 2.04. Paul has a little script on the handbook pages
> which I needed to run first which sets up the necessary kernel
> dependencies/headers. I believe this is basically re-'make' ing the
> which generates the headers/dependencies EMC needs. Paul?
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