CNC class


 Now that I was able to cut a few samples, its time to teach the
machine operators to use the beast.

 I have a question before I begin preparing materials and
samples...what is the f.. std, since the guy who is primarly targeted,
insists, wisely, on learning the cnc stuff, as close to the std as
posible, I dont give a s.... either way since to me it does not matter,
but I belive, he is looking ahead just in case he wants to move on. so
this time I make him a favor.

so, what is the standard for the point of reference for a mill, who
travels, the tool or the table, I know the only moving part is the
table, but we all know it does not mean anything to an engeenier, it
could easily be said "reality is wrong". I would appreciate your

In the mean time, I have enough geting him used to use
what should I teach vi, emacs or ed??? ;)) never mind! no comments,pls.


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