ready to start up EMC

Well, the big gantry mill is ready for EMC!

Servo to go II is in and reading encoders, switches, etc
and outputing from the DACs with the dos based test program
from stg.

This system has a hardwired e-stop so will not use emc for
that function.

I am using the latest bdi.
A minor logout problem is the only glitch I saw. No big

I have a few questions though. I want to know what to expect
as I power this up. It will be moving 1000 lb ! I will of course
use a reduced servo voltage at first and just rough tuned
pid. And be on one of the estop switches!

1) when does the homing sequence start? How does emc
know which way to go?  Does it bounce the home switch
and reverse or pick up the first index pulse past it? My home
switches are at one end of each axis just before the limit

2) which EMC version (on the bdi) should I use for a three axis
machine? I have only run the simulated one so far.

I am getting the .ini file together; it looks pretty straightforward. I may
have some questions about cycle times.


Leslie Watts
L M Watts Furniture
Tiger, Georgia USA

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