EMC trajectory generator

Within a project carried on by our department, we may be interesred in using the TRAJECTORY GENERATOR provided by NIST within the EMC software.
Before taking a decision, we need to know more details about how EMC generates the tool's trajectory.

1) We have been told that a new version of EMC is available (shareware) that controls 6 DOF (instead of 3 DOF-old version):
   - is it the case ?
   (In fact we want to control both position and orientation of the end-effector in our application)
2) As far as we know, the EMC trajectory generator can provide lines, circles and blending in workspace as paths for the end-effector
   (in terms of splines for the actuator motion profile),
   but we would like to know more about the theoretical background on which this trajectory generator is founded
   (what are the assumptions and so on):
   - is there any publication or document available ?
   - where can one find the source-code files containing these instructions ?

If you know the answer to our questions or if you know where we could get any answer, please let us know.

Thanks in advance.

                Fabio Dedominici.

Fabio Dedominici, Ir.
Philips CFT
Department: Mechatronic Equipment
Group: Motion Control
PO Box 218 / SAQ-1105
5600 MD Eindhoven
The Netherlands

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