Re: EMC problems

On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 11:08:10PM -0500, Fred Zinsli wrote:
> I now would like to know if Linux/EMC will run on a modern system, ie. Duron, 
> Athalon, Thunderbird(sorry, don't go in for Intel chips). The client has 
> indicated that he will buy a new M/B, CPU, RAM, Video card combo if we can be 
linux will run on most hardware.
Wierd or very new graphics cards sometimes are notwell supported, but should
work in base modes anyway.  Steer clear of parallel port scanners, 
winmodems, winprinters.  Hardware where documentation does not exist.
Linux runs on a bigger range of hardware than say NT. (for me)

As mentioned, you don't need the latest and greatest for this
application.  That said, it could take less of your time to get a new 
$600 (aud) system than assemble old pieces.  Either will work. 

I'd personnally use a celeron or duron for the application for reduced
cooling.  Maybe underclock a little. drawing lots of air through 
the box for a recent athlon may not be nice in some shops, 
due to junk and dust levels getting into the case.
I guess fan noise is not a problem here though, which is my biggest 
complaint against Athlons.

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