Re: freezing problems (fixed)

 for some strange reason, I have to remove the
$EMCFILES/emc/plat/linux_2_2_18 and $EMCFILES/emc/plat/rtlinux_3_0
everytime I want to rebuild EMC, also (this I havent tested yet) I
switched EMCMOT_MAX_AXIS in emcmotcfg.h from 2 back to 6 but I dont
think that has anything to do with this problem.

perhaps time to upgrade "make".


--- Enrique Sanchez Vela <> wrote:
> Hello guys,
>  the temperature is about to drop here and my computer somehow is
> guessing the weather correctly, although it will not go that low.
>  my current setupt is RH62, RTLinux 3.0, latest cvs source with the
> cheesy changes I proposed, guess they are not correct :(
>  when I jog the machine it works fine but as soon as I issue a 
>   g91 g1 x0 f1 
>  command using the MDI mode it freezes (spelling?).
> the last output I can see there is the following....
> Issuing EMC_TRAJ_PLAN_EXECUTE (+509, +268,
> +126,g91\032g1\032x0\032f1,)
> emcTaskPlanExecute(g91 g1 x0 f1) returned 0
> outgoing motion id is -3
> Issuing EMC_TRAJ_SET_VELOCITY -- (+205,+20, 0, 0.016667,)
> then it dies.... any ideas are wellcomed. 
> I am using steppermod.o
> I am using the std emc.ini file.
> thanks,
> esv.
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