Out of sequence M01 pauses

This past week I was running several hole patterns, using the M01 command to pause the program at the hole positions. I ran into a pesky little bug.
Every so often after hitting the resume in TKEmc, EMC moves for a short time towards the next commanded position, then stops in a 'pause' state. After hitting 'Resume' it proceeds on to the commanded position (where it should pause) and in continuous motion proceeds to the next position and M01 in the program.
It occurred at random times, but every three or four program runs consistently.
My thought is that the M01 pause command is sent to the NML? sequencer (server?) independently of the trajectory planner module. The NML server occasionally receives the M01 in between trajectory planner updates, it pauses motion before the trajectory module has finished the motion queue for the G-code line before.
- Keith Rumley
Sample program:
(in basic TKEMC startup mode, homed, and with the G61 exact path mode enabled)
N5 (Basic straightline motion pattern.)
N10 G17 G20
N20 G0 X0.00000 Y0.00000
N30 M01
N40 X-0.50000 Y-0.25000
N50 M01
N60 X-1.00000
N70 M01
N80 X-5.00000
N90 M01
N100 X-5.50000
N110 (Program End)

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