Thanks Tim,
I follow that.
I've never seen so many system parameters have such
an effect on each other.
But I'm beginning to get a feel for it now. Between
you, Ray, and John (freqmod tuning) I'm beginning to get a better understamnding
of it. It's just confusing to the beginner trying to understand how all these
functions work together at once.
Not like DeskNC where you have just 3 settings to
worry about. I remember when I was staring at it one day on another system and
the lights just suddenly came on. I understood it all. You helped me with that
on too.
Maybe one of these days I'll have that experience
with tuning EMC.
Thanks again,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 1:04
Subject: RE: following error
you increase the steps per inch you have to also up the P
[Denver, CO]
Hello to all,
I have an earlier version of EMC now somewhat
operational with a small stepper setup for experimentation
Tim and Ray have been very helpful in getting
me this far.
I am running linux 2.0.36, june 2000 EMC
release, rtlinux_09J. I am using freqmod.
I can run with out errors if I set INPUT_SCALE
and OUTPUT_SCALE to a value of 1000. If I set thes values to 4000
to reflect 4000 pulses(steps) per inch for a 1/2-10 acme lead screw I get
following errors.
Can someone give me an idea of what other
variables I may need to change to get this to work?
Donald Brock