STG I/O access


I'm having difficulty accessing the STG I/O (through ./emcpanel, ./emcmot).
My goal is to use P1 for all the I/0. As far as I can tell, the stg2mod.o
includes stg2.c, where I can change the assigned bits.  (I have an 8 axis
STG2. At the moment my goal is 3 axis motion.)

I've also several questions related to the IO.

How are the indices for the parallel port IO kept separate from STG's? On
the docs I have (Aug. 2000), they appear to access the same indices.

Does bridgeportio/minimillio control STG IO, and if so, how?

ones I need to re-assign in stg2.c? (Output variable name for the spindle

Are these variable names found in the NML description?

What's the best way to test the STG's I/O?

Thanks in advance,

 - Keith Rumley

Here is what I'm aiming for: (sorry about the tabs - I'm using Outlook

Ports A,B as input, C as output (amp enables, estop, spindle enable)

Input (P1)
Index    Function                        Address           Port
00        X axis home/X -limit     0x00000001    A0
01        X +limit                          0x00000002     A1
02        X amp fault                   0x00000004     A2
03        Y axis home/Y-limit       0x00000008    A3
04        Y +limit                           0x00000010    A4
05        Y amp fault                    0x00000020    A5
06        Z axis home/Z-limit       0x00000040    A6
07        Z +limit                           0x00000080    A7
08        Z amp fault                    0x00000100    B1
09        A axis home/X-limit      0x00000200    B2
10        A +limit                          0x00000400    B3
11        A amp fault                    0x00000800   B4
12        E-stop Sense                0x00001000    B5
13        Spindle Sense              0x00002000    B6
14        Tool Sense                    0x00004000    B7

Output (P1, Port C)
00        X amp enable                0x0001000    C0
01        Y amp enable                0x0002000    C1
02        Z amp enable                0x0004000    C2
03        A amp enable                0x0008000    C3
04        E-stop on                        0x0010000    C4
05        Spindle on                      0x0020000    C5
06        Tool change                    0x0040000    C6
07        main pwr contactors       0x0080000    C7

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