Re: Memory requirements

I've got a question for y'all, and I suspect I know the answer - Am I going
to run into trouble when I try to install the BDI on a Cyrix P233 clone?
Opinions? To change it, I'd have to get a new motherboard as well(it's a
generic import model). This is my wife's old machine and the MB manual has
been gone for quite sometime now. If I go that route, I'll hunt down an
early PIII board and processor and flood it with RAM and have an EMC machine
for the next millenium!

Thanks guys, this list has taught me immense amounts about EMC and CNC in

Take care,

Matt King
Columbus, GA

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Wright <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Date: Sunday, July 22, 2001 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: Memory requirements

>Hi Bill,
>I have the BDI EMC running on a P233 with 64M RAM and it seems to perform
>OK. At the moment it is set up to run steppers under freqmod and tkemc and
>can drive the steppers as fast as they will go, i.e. I have to turn the
>speed down on EMC to stop them stalling. I suspect that the critical thing
>is the amount of RAM you have available although I also have steppermod
>running with tkemc on a P133 machine with 32M RAM which also performs fine.
>Again, this is with the BDI install.
>What is it that appears to be slow? Perhaps there is something that needs
>tweaking a bit.
>Ian W. Wright
>Sheffield  UK
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "William Scalione" <>
>To: "Multiple recipients of list" <>
>Sent: 22 July 2001 01:36
>Subject: Memory requirements
>> I have been running EMC under RH5.2 for a while now on
>> a P-200 with 32meg of memory. I tried the BDI on this system
>> but had to go back to RH 5.2 because it was a little too slow.
>> Anyway, I am getting a new processor and mb (AMD 450) and
>> was wondering if 32 meg is enough or do I need more?
>> While I am sure it will run, this computer will be a dedicated
>> machine controller and I will not be running anything else
>> on it. Will more memory do anything for EMC at all?
>> Thanks
>> Bill

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