I interfaced the Mitutoyo 572 to a Milltronics Centurion VI,
with that control's MC68332 TPU.
At least the 572 Digimatic series with a five wire connector.
The voltage is 1.5 volts (battery), so you have to
use a 15k pull-up or better some translators to 5 volts.
Then, the five wires are:
GND: common
RDY: output from scale, user data/hold switch
REQ: hold low to request scale data (input)
CLK: signal data valid valid rising edge (output)
DATA: bcd data with framing. (output)
The bcd data has no checksum, the bit clock rate is 150us,
there are 52 clocks in the data, 13 nibbles
7.8 ms per sample, 8333 'baud', no start or stop bits.
The data is:
n0 n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 nA nB nC
F F F F sg dp b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
sg=sign, dp=decimal points, un=units,
F= framing (1111 binary), b5..b0 bcd
digits of the data.
The Mitutoyo 572 serial data format is incompatible
with any conceivable UART or RS-232. 7.8 ms is too
slow for any solid positional control. 1.5 volts
gives no noise immunity to emi. yuck yuck yuck.
If you want to talk to it, I'd suggest a PIC
and some hands-on bread-boarding and programming.
Or look for better alternatives.
Good day. --krb