new mailing list announcement


i am sending this annoucement to four mailing list
given the nature of the new e-mailing list.

below is the info file for the gnu_cad_cam e-mailing

if someone knows of others who may be interested in
joining the new e-mailing list please forward this
message to them.

<begin quote>
Welcome to the list known as gnu_cad_cam. This list is for
those interested in having an open discussion concerning
the design of a CAD-CAM system to be released under the
GNU general public license.

There are fundamental design questions that need to be
discussed and decided upon. A partial list of design
issues are:

Intended Users:
Commercial machine shops, home machine shop hobbyist,
students, model railroaders,
professional patternmakers, hobbyist patternmakers,
professional blacksmiths, hobbyist blacksmiths,
commercial foundries, home foundries,
Internal Combustion Engine modellers, etc.

2D vs 3D
3D wireframe, 3D surface, & 3D solid modelling.
Common denominator G-Code or Controller Specifc G-Code.
One project or two projects under a common umbrella.
3-axis or 6-axis

Linux (implies FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Solaris, HP-UX, etc)
Windows (Which one Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000?)
MacOS (MacOS9, MacOSX)

Depending on the answer to the Multi-OS question will dictate
a portion of the design specification.

You are encourage to post your questions and advice about
anything related to CAD, CAM, Human Machine Interface,
Inter-module communication (CORBA and/or COM), import
file formats, export file formats, User-Interface Design.

Please put a subject line on your message that is
descriptive. If you post something in response to a question,
please indicate it in the subject line. Should you post
something of interest to the community but not directly
related to CAD-CAM system design or  related topics
put YAK in the subject line. Be considerate of your fellow
list subscribers.

You should save this message for future reference. Please
take special note of the few rules below.

I'm glad you're a part of our community.

List rules:

1. Flaming and personal attacks will not be tolerated.
   I will give three warnings then you will be removed
   from the list.

2. Do not post copyrighted material that you do not
   have explicit permission to post.

3. If you wish to be profane and/or obscene do it somewhere

4. Plain Text Messages Only. No HTML messages.

BODY:     subscribe gnu_cad_cam

To be removed from the mailing list:

BODY:     unsubscribe gnu_cad_cam

To post information/questions to the list:


Please address any questions to:
<end   quote>
Terry L. Ridder
Blue Danube Artistic Forge (Blaue Donau Kunstschmiede)
"We do not bend metal, we sculpt it."

digging deep, i feel my conscience burn
i need to know who and what i am
this hunger jolts me from complacency
rocks me, makes me meet myself
----kendall payne---closer to myself---

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