Re: probing

Dan Falck wrote:

> Does the emc release
> that's on sourceforge "emcbin...." from August have this built in?  When I
> bring it up, there is a probing script built into the Tkemc Gui.  It gives
> the dialog boxes for setting the probe index and such.

Yes, it does. You don't need to install the new RPM.

There's another better way to test this with steppers than modifying
extsimdio.c. You can change the rule in the emc/src/emcmot/Makefile for
steppermod.o, or freqmod.o, to be:

# NIST stepper motor test stand
$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/steppermod.o: \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/emcstepmot.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/emcmotglb.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/tp.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/tc.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/trivkins.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/cubic.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/extsmmot.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/extppt.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/parport.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/extsimaio.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/simaio.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/mmxavg.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/emcmotlog.o \
	ld -r -static \
	$^ \
	$(RCS_PLATLIB)/libpm.a \
	-o $-at-

# frequency stepping
$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/freqmod.o: \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/emcfreqmot.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/emcmotglb.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/tp.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/tc.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/trivkins.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/cubic.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/pid.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/extsmmot.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/extppt.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/parport.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/extsimaio.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/simaio.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/mmxavg.o \
	$(DEVP_LIB_DIR)/emcmotlog.o \
	ld -r -static \
	$^ \
	$(RCS_PLATLIB)/libpm.a \
	-o $-at-

This replaces extsimdio.o and simdio.o with extppt.o and parport.o.
Then, just remove the freqmod.o and steppermod.o object files from the
plat/.../lib directory and recompile. These should be relinked with the
replacement files.

I've changed this already so new releases will have this. There's no
reason to use simulated DIO since there are a few spare bits on the
parallel port that can be used.


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