hexkins and following errors

Hi Fred and emc!

Fred, have you had a look at my minitetra trafos?

I have a Pentium90 rh5.1,kernel2.0.36, rtl09j and the emc may release.
I have written myself kinematic functions for a hexapod with rotational
drives. I compiled it so that it should run with freqmod steppers.
(if anyone is interested in these kinematic functions, please tell me)
Trouble is: I don`t get it to run. I followed the advice of Fred and homed
the axes in axis mode. axis 2..6 gave the proper value that fitted to the
Home-position in my emc.ini. Only axis 1 made something else: when i click
on axis 1 and then on "home", all axes turn from yellow to red and estop
occurs. Worst: the machine couldnt be brought back into "ON"-state. I had to
kill the emc-programm. Maybe this has to do with other difficulties in my
.ini, because it is also not possible to jog with the axes in axis mode. I
get following errors all the time. But axis 1 is the only one where the
controller is unstartable after that. How can i find out what made the
machine stop? When i try to switch to "Machine on" and the state stays the
same, how can i find out what prevented the machine from doing what i
I observed that if i make FERROR larger, the following error occurs even
earlier. Could it be this is inverse proportional though it should be

Please help me!

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