Re: NAN Bug with circular moves

Hi Will,

I've just been playing with backplot using your revised (2nd time) and I am tremendously impressed. Thanks for the effort you must
have put into this. I have tried a number of ways to break it and haven't
succeeded (yet! ;o) ).  The fact that it will now do a perfect helix either
clockwise or anticlockwise and also using negative values is fantastic - if
only all software fixes could be so swift.

For those who haven't tried it yet, pop into backplot and, in MDI, enter
g0x2y0z0, then g2x2y0z1i-2j0, then try g2x2y0z-1i-2j0
Magic isn't it? then move the tool out to x2.5y0z0 and try the same again
but using g3. If you watch the plots in 3D mode they look quite good but if
you then switch to x-z view the end result looks even better.

Ian W. Wright
Sheffield  UK

----- Original Message -----
From: Will Shackleford <>
To: Multiple recipients of list <>
Sent: 10 February 2000 20:17
Subject: Re: NAN Bug with circular moves

> Attached is another version of that should prevent the
> NAN problem from occurring with 360 degree helical moves.

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