Re: multiple block MDI entry

Paul Corner wrote:

> >
> > > I could add this to the mdi entry widget in the tkemc gui rather easily.
> > > The only problem with tcltk is that # is used to identify a comment but
> > > there is a workaround.  This might be easier that adding the # to the
> > > interpreter itself but it would only work with the tkemc gui.
> > Well, no special attachment to #, any available printing character should
> > do fine.  & or ^ or % or even $ could all do, I think.
> >
> Hi Ray
> It would probably be best to keep clear of logical operators - might cause
> problems if EMC ever gets parametric or conditional programming routines added
> in the future.
> I would go for $ as a save bet.

Good point!

> BTW Is there an [EMC_????] function to return the spindle speed to tkemc ?
> Does EMC even keep track of the spindle speed.....

The standard EMC supports a horrible arrangement where there are solenoid valves
that operate an air motor that changes the variable speed belt setting on a
2J head.  At least some of the code for spindle speed setting through the
is there.  Generally, an S word would send a spindle speed change command through
to the motion stuff, which could set a DAC channel to whatever % or max RPM
that worked out to.  Getting commanded speed out to the UI should not be tough.
There is no code at all to MEASURE spindle speed and report it.  If you had an
encoder on the spindle, it might be possible to use the encoder counter to count
revolutions pretty easily, and convert to RPM.

There are RS-274D commands to set spindle speed to obtain constant surface
speed when turning.  I don't know if any of this has been implemented, either.


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