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1.1 What is EMC

An often asked question is, "So what is the EMC anyway?" Here is part of the official NIST definition: "The Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC) program is a NIST effort to develop and validate a specification for interfaces to open architecture controllers."In simpler terms, EMC is a free and open source CNC controller program. The EMC can control machine tools, robots, or other automated devices. It can control servo motors, stepper motors, relays,and other devices related to machine tools.

To the right is a simple block diagram showing what a typical 3-axis EMC system might look like. This diagram shows a stepper motor system. The PC, running Linux as it's OS, is actually controlling the stepper motor drives by sending signals through the printer port. These signals (pulses) make the stepper drives move the stepper motors. The EMC can also run servo motors via servo interface cards or by using an extended parallel port to connect with external control boards. [intro/images/whatstep.gif]




Here is a block diagram of how a personal computer running the EMC is used to control a machine with G-code. The actual G-code can be sent using MDI (Machine Device Interface) or sent as a file. These choices are made by the operator and entered using the GUI. [images/intro/whatpc.gif]

G-code is sent to the interpreter which sends blocks of canonical commands to the task and motion planning programs.

The GUI for EMC comes in many variations, text based, X Windows, Tcl/Tk, Java, etc... The user interface for EMC can easily be customized by users. [intro/images/whaty4.gif]


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root 2003-05-26