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8.2 Tim's Experience

EMC now is handling steppers as if they were servos from what I understand (this is with freqmot, with or without DRO feedback) and using freqmot I can confirm that P,I, and D definitely have an effect on steppers. If I set P too low I get constant follow errors at any speed, If I set D to anything but 0 I start having a problem with the motors stalling on acceleration (probably because this setting is trying to make the motor get up to speed faster than the stepper can accelerate). I have played with various I settings between 1 and 1000 and it does seem to help me get even higher feed rates, but I have not really figured a way to see what works best on this one.

You can easily play with these settings by going to the settings menu and selecting calibration. The values will be for the axis that is currently selected and will take effect as soon as the calibration window is closed. Make sure you remember or write down the setting you settle on as the values you put in the calibration window are not saved back to your .ini file, you have to edit them in manually.

Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2000 14:28:49 -0700
From: "Tim Goldstein" <>

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root 2003-05-26