NAMES Meeting


I've just returned from NAMES, and I would like to thank everyone from
this list that I meet there.... It was an incredibly interesting
weekend.  As a "newbie" to the group, I was included in many stimulating
discussions.... And everyone was very tolerant of my lack of experience
in CNC.  THANKS! Hopefully I'll be able to make more contributions in
the future. 

For those of you who weren't able to make the show this year, I would
highly recommend you plan to make the investment next year if you have
an interest in hobby CNC.  The folks you'll meet in the EMC arena are
both incredibly knowledgeable and WILLING TO SHARE.... what a

After meeting the "brains" behind the EMC program and understanding the
enthusiasm with which they approach their work, I have no doubt that the
EMC open source project will continue to be a leader in the hobby /
educational CNC soft controller marketplace.

Ray, Matt, Jon, Paul, Steve, Fred, Will, Dave, John, Roland, Hassan,
(and all the others I'm missing.....sorry) WELL DONE GUYS!

-Craig Edwards

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