Re: Newbie Q, tuning for max speed

Damon Gentile wrote:

>Hey folks, a couple of newbie questions here. Hopefully nothing too
>dumb, I've been struggling with these for a little while now.
>BDI 2.18 & PII 333MHz 64MB ram, running EMC_MINI with freqmod.o
>with four NEMA23 116oz/in steppers. Only 12V for the moment.
>I've tried a bunch of combinations thus far and think I'm doing
>pretty good.
>When I was running steppermod, I could get to about 42IPM (motor
>sitting on the bench) before the motor would lose a step. Follow
>errors were rare. I've since upgraded (?) to freqmod.  I've turned
>down CYCLE_TIME to 0.004 and PERIOD to 0.00002.
>What neighborhood would I want to be in for cycletime & period ?
>but now I get follow errors at >35"/min. (about my comfortable
>speed w/ steppermod). The follow error will trip before the
>motor skips (within the resolution of my eye, at least) so this
>looks a little better, not getting lost.   
>What INI parameters are the biggest knobs to tune speed ?
>How about FERROR & MIN_FERROR ?  P/I/D/FFxxx ? Still having some
>trouble getting stripchart up and running.
First, freqmod should never give sollowing errors.  this means that the 
step output is not
following the commanded position.  You can crudely fix it by increasing 
MIN_FERROR, but this just allows larger error between actual position 
(based on
steps output) and the desired position based on the toolpath. 
 Increasing P, and possibly
FF1 should help.  I think you can also increase the MIN and MAX_OUTPUT.

Depending on your step resolution and desired max_velocity, you may need 
to cut PERIOD
to allow more steps/second.  I think you can go down a bit, but you are 
already at 20 uS,
I don't know how much more you can get out of a 333 MHz Pentium.  20 uS 
a step pulse to be output every 40 uS, which is 25 KHz.  But, this means 
the last speed
jump is from a step pulse every third PERIOD tick,  or 16.67 KHz, to 
every other at
25 KHz.  That's a jump of 33%, no motor could follow that.  Your 
acceleration of
5.0 may also be too high.  I usually use 2.0 on my systems.


>To judge lost steps, I have it make a 200" move in one direction and
>see if the shaft ends up in the same rotation that it started at.
>CYCLE_TIME = 0.004
>EMCMOT = freqmod.o
>COMM_WAIT = 0.010
>PERIOD = 0.00002
>CYCLE_TIME = 0.010
>FERROR = 1.000
>MIN_FERROR = 0.010

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