

Don't know if this will help but it comes from the stg.c file.  I notice that 
the stuff like lube, coolant and such are not assigned.

---stg snippet---
  Analog and Digital IO

  Analog and digital IO are mapped directly onto the board with no care
  that they don't collide with axes functions above. This is good in the
  sense that you can effect motion, bad in the same sense. This means that
  you should leave indices 0..axis-1 alone and use the higher indices for
  general-purpose IO. For example, if you have a 4-axis board and only
  3 real axes, you can use digital input at indices 12..15 for anything.

  Analog input is an option for the board. There are 8 inputs, which
  don't collide with any motion IO so you can use indices 0..7
  regardless of how many motion axes you have.

  If you have an 8 axis board, only 6 axis can be fully used for motion
  since there is not enough digital input for all the home and limit switches.

  For a 4-axis board, there are:
  24 digital inputs (includes limit switches and amp faults at 0..15)
  8 digital outputs (includes amp enables at 0..3)
  8 analog inputs (with option)
  4 analog outputs (includes amp outputs at 0..3)

  For an 8-axis board (6 motion axes max), there are:
  24 digital inputs (includes limit switches and amp faults at 0..23)
  8 digital outputs (includes amp enables at 0..5)
  8 analog inputs (with option)
  8 analog outputs (includes amp outputs at 0..5)

  Here's the actual map. If you aren't using some axes then their
  slots are up for grabs.

  Index   Function      Connector/Pin
  -----   --------      -------------
  00      X home sw     P1/47
  01      X +lim sw     P1/45
  02      X -lim sw     P1/43
  03      X amp fault   P1/41
  04      Y home sw     P1/39
  05      Y +lim sw     P1/37
  06      Y -lim sw     P1/35
  07      Y amp fault   P1/33
  08      Z home sw     P1/31
  09      Z +lim sw     P1/29
  10      Z -lim sw     P1/27
  11      Z amp fault   P1/25
  12      U home sw     P1/23
  13      U +lim sw     P1/21
  14      U -lim sw     P1/19
  15      U amp fault   P1/17
  16      V home sw     P2/31
  17      V +lim sw     P2/29
  18      V -lim sw     P2/27
  19      V amp fault   P2/25
  20      W home sw     P2/23
  21      W +lim sw     P2/21
  22      W -lim sw     P2/19
  23      W amp fault   P2/17

  Index   Function      Connector/Pin
  -----   --------      -------------
  00      X amp enable  P1/15
  01      Y amp enable  P1/13
  02      Z amp enable  P1/11
  03      U amp enable  P1/9
  04      V amp enable  P1/7
  05      W amp enable  P1/5
  06      (none)        P1/3
  07      (none)        P1/1

  Index   Function      Connector/Pin
  -----   --------      -------------
  00*     (none)        P2/1
  01*     (none)        P2/3
  02*     (none)        P2/5
  03*     (none)        P2/7
  04*     (none)        P2/9
  05*     (none)        P2/11
  06*     (none)        P2/13
  07*     (none)        P2/15

  Index   Function      Connector/Pin
  -----   --------      -------------
  00      X amp ref     P3/2
  01      Y amp ref     P3/8
  02      Z amp ref     P3/5
  03      U amp ref     P3/11
  04**    V amp ref     P4/2
  05**    W amp ref     P4/8
  06**    (none)        P4/5
  07**    (none)        P4/11

  * = only available as option
  ** = only available for 8-axis boards, with STG_8_AXES defined

---end of snippet---

Hope this helps


On Wednesday 08 May 2002 02:36, you wrote:
> Second Parallel Port:
> (for auxiliary functions)
> BASE = base address of your second parallel port
> (ex: 0x378)
> Address	Bit	Pin	Index	Name (defaults)
> 	1	3	1(out)	SPINDLE_FORWARD
> 	2	4	2(out)
> 	3	5	3(out)
> 	4	6	4(out)
> 	5	7	5(out)
> 	6	8	6(out)	MIST_COOLANT
> 	7	9	7(out)	FLOOD_COOLANT
> BASE+1	0	--	--
> 	1	--	--
> 	2	--	--
> 	3	15	0(in)
> 	4	13	1(in)	ESTOP_SENSE
> 	5	12	2(in)	LUBE_SENSE
> 	6	10	3(in)
> 	7	11	4(in)
> 	1	14	9(out)	SPINDLE_INCREASE
> 	2	16	10(out)	ESTOP_WRITE
> 	3	17	11(out)	SPINDLE_BRAKE
> 	4	--	--
> 	5	--	--
> 	6	--	--
> 	7	--	--
> Wow, this is so concise. Brian Pitt's page on this
> information is GOLD.
> However:  What about the servo-to-go?
> Can someone help me make a chart that is equally
> concise relating INDEX values to Servo-To-Go
> registers?
> Thanks.
> -Jason
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