HELP! Retrotek 8800 CNC retrofit kit died!

I'm looking for recommendations on how to fix the problem, or to
replace the Retrotek computer.

I bought a Bridgeport Series I, 2 HP, var speed mill that had a
3 axis Retrotek 8800 CNC kit on it.  It was working fine, but last
it bit the dust.
It looks as though it is a problem with the memory on the CNC control.
 The display still comes up, but displays lots of error codes (0050,
...).  The edit buffer shows all kinds of garbage stuff that I never
put in there, so I suspect the memory.
I have  been able to get it to jog all three axes, and the encoder
readouts work fine.
I've pulled all of the boards, and reseated all of the chips and the
boards to no avail.
Soooo... I was hoping to eventually replace that ancient computer with
a modern system, but I was hoping it wouldn't be so soon...

The components that I think are worth keeping:
-the mill with installed ballscrews (duh! :-)
-the Gould permanent magnet servo motors
-the servo amplifiers

What I'd like to do:
-replace the ancient computer with a modern system
-get a PCI servo motor controller board with G-code and CNC software
to drive it.
-I'd like to power the encoders separately from the servo system, so I
can use
it as a manual mill with high resolution encoders
-have it not cost very much :-)

-what servo board is going to work for 3 or 4 axes?  Linux compatible?
Price?  It has to pass spousal approval which is a low amount of money
-CNC/G-code software?  Linux?  $$$?  Free?
-Is it possible to drive the encoders and servos separately?

I already have scads of computer stuff lying about, so I just need the
servo board(s) and the software.

Any help or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

rpseguin AT yahoo DOT com

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