RE: unsubscribe emc -> West coast expo +

~The representation sounds good.  There have been a few folk with informal
~visits to the PRIME in Eugene but no real CNC group there, yet.  If you
~have a machine ready and can get space, why not.  What are the details of
~the show?
The show is a 3 day event to offer the public a veiw of a bunch of the new
machinery makers of machinery and suppliers of tooling.  It's pretty
commercial, and I did see a banner there last year stating Linux cnc.  But
that was before I knew what I was getting into.  I think its going on in
may, or so it does each year.

~There are a few of us EMC obsessed around and we tend to be the
~loud mouths
~on this list.  It is a much more focussed, technical bunch than

People like me need  people like you.  You're an inherent necessety for the
lists.  Any and all of the "loud mouth" comments are very welcome.  Funny
thing, No one gets the depth of what emc does.  No one that uses windows at
least.  Everyone wants a windows based system.  I laugh at the FUD that
people display.  If I can I'm going to drop MS by the end of 2003.

I work in a feild that uses cnc machinery.  And after pricing the
controllers, I was floored.  The current conroller on the lathe that I own
is great, but it cost $4,000.00.  and it can handle one more axis than emc.
whoopdedoo!  In about 3 years, some of the emc hobbiests are going to step
into the "real" cnc world (not like they aren't) and make machines and
controls to compete with Fagor Fanuc and GE seimens.

~I once mispelled the Czech Republic in a list post here and a fellow there
~responded.  This is a big and diverse collection of people, most of whom
~are deep into motion control and much to busy.

One thing that you can gaurantee about cnc fanatics is they're going to pick
apart each little detail down to the ten-thousanth.  I know I hold my tounge
(or typing fingers) when people say or write  incorrect grammar.




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