RE: Probing update.

I am not a linux guru by any means.  I just had some trouble getting the
network card up myself.  If the modules are there for the network card,
insmod xxx.o should load the module into the kernel. Then I seem to remember
issuing a ifup eth0 to bring up the card.  If you want to discuss this some
more with me I would try to help you get the network up.

also the command ifconfig should list eth0 beside "lo" the loopback

ifconfig -all or /all can't recall windows and linux gets mixed for me.

even before you try to set any ip the card should show under the ifconfig

if not the module is not activated the card.

the bdi I loaded did not like to load my card either.  My card was not
supported by the build of the kernel included with bdi.  It uses the tulip.o
module but a newer version than what bdi has.

it is probably possible to build a newer one on the bdi.

Has this card ever worked on this system under the bdi for you??  i should
have been asking that first i guess.


-----Original Message-----
From: []On Behalf Of Dean L. Hedin
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2002 11:44 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: Probing update.

I have made some progress with the  standalone "probe engine"
code.  I've successfully sent the "home axis zero" command from my
own "C" program.

Yea, I know, it does'nt sound like much at this point but it is actually a
good sign.  I can now send any of the NML commands from a "C"
program.  I have revised the probe file spec a little and will start coding
tommorrow evening.

One hold up was that fact that EMC will not build without error on a BDI
developer's install.  When you do:

 make PLAT=rtlinux_3_0

It complains that it can not find rtlnml.h  There is no include directory
under platform/rtlinux_3_0.  I ended up manually creating this dir and
copied the relevent files over from linux_2_2_18

I was also side-tracked by  some issues with my setup to his past week-
end. I can't seem to get my shop box to see my linux firewall.  eth0 device
loads just fine.  It just can't get a DHCP IP.  If I try to set up a fixed
and then try to ping another machine all I get is "network unreachable".
Connections are all good.  Several different ethernet cards were tried.
I think something is missing with regard to networking in the BDI install.

Anyone else with similiar experience (and maybe a solution?)

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