Re: EMC problems


This may be blasphemy on this list, but EMC is not the only controller
you could use. There are several running under DOS. I'd suggest you
consider these before you tell the client to go elsewhere.

However, linux is a good thing to know some of. EMC got me into linux
and I'm know using it on my main office machine(s). I do like EMC and
don't think there are any better, less expensive, controllers out there.
I too suggest you keep working towards EMC. However, there are others
available if push comes to shove and time becomes critical.

Hnag in there. :-)

On 30 Nov, Fred Zinsli wrote:
> I installed from the EMCBDI.IMG file downloaded from the linuxcnc site about 
> 3-4 weeks ago. I thought it would save me the effort of having to know 
> anything about linux. How wrong I was.
> I am running everything from the icons, simply because I din't know how or 
> what to run from the command line.
> I have to admit that I have not wanted to know anything about linux, and may 
> in fact abandon the project if the I can't get this up & running soon. I will 
> simply have to tell the client to go buy something off the self.
> Regards
> Fred

Hugh Currin, PE
Mechanical Engineering Technology
Oregon Institute of Technology
voice:  541/885-1649
fax:    541/885-1855

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