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The last time you asked I had EMC loaded but it wasn't driving anything
so I did not respond.  But I now have my mill running X and Y under EMC
control. :-)

Please do not post this URL, it is a temporary page. However, if anyone
is intersted here is a temporary web page of my retro-fit. I'll clean it
up and make it more premanent when I complete the Z-axis.
--------info for EMC listing---------------
I have converted a SuperMax milling machine, circa 1980, for CNC
control. This is a Chinese copy of a Bridgeport knee mill. I have the X
and Y axis working and am now designing a quill drive for Z axis

I have a precision rolled ball screw retrofit kit installed on the X and
Y axes. The bearing plates, Y and right end of table for X, were
re-built to use 750 oz-in stepper motors with 2:1 timing belt reduction.
Camtronic 5A stepper drivers are used.

The computer is quite standard being:

  CPU:			Pentium III - 667 MHz
  Mother Board:		Microstar International ATX VA5 - Model MS-6309
  			  VIA VT82C694X Chipset
  			  VIA VT82C686A Chipset - I/O
  Memory:		64MB, SDRAM (100 MHz)
  Hard Disk:		10.8 GB UDMA from Fujitsu
  Floppy:		1.44 Panasonic
  Video:		PCI: ATI/3D Rage pro - ABP 1x/2x
  Monitor:		NEC AccuSync 50
  Mouse:		Logitech 3 button PS/2

For software I am currently running is:

  Linux:		Red Hat 6.2
  RT-Linux:		rtlinux-2.2a (rtlinux-2.2a-prepatched.tar.gz)
  EMC:			Aug. 11, 2000 (emcsrc-11-Aug-2000.tar.gz)

Being new to linux, I had a heck of a time bringing up Red Hat 6.2 and
rt-linux. However once these were installed EMC compiled and installed
without trouble. I have gotten both steppermod and freqmod to work but
have yet to do benchmarks on performance.

Hugh Currin

> It's been awhile since I've bugged anyone about info for the emc
> user list on 


Hugh Currin, PE
Oregon Institute of Technology
Klamath Falls, OR
voice:  541/885-1649
fax:    541/885-1855

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