Re: Almost sort of working, but some odd errors

To the EMC group,

This is just FYI in case anyone else was having a similiar set of odd
error messages.


Some explanations of errors: 496: Shared memory buffers emcError and  may conflict. (key=1003(0x3EB))

Can be mostly ignored. The shared memory code thinks that it was not the process
that created the buffer when in fact it is and therefore thinks there is a conflict.
Unfortunately there are conflicting definitions of pid_t in some of the glibc headers and in some of 
the linux kernel headers. (as either a 16 or 32 bit int)
If you end up compiling in the wrong one the test for conflicting buffers is useless.
Fortunatly if the code detects a conflict it just prints that message and continues.
If you got this on a system where the pid types were correct this could alert you
that something odd was happening like  another program
using EMC's shared memory buffers and not following the NML protocol.
But given the number of conflicts your getting this is pretty unlikely. 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity

The nonrealtime task code probably can't set the max velocity because it
can't talk to the realtime motion code to tell it what the max velocity should be.
The reason they ussually fail to communicate at this point is that there is a version mismatch 
between the realtime and  nonrealtime code.
I just discovered today that Fred modified the task code and the emcmot.c but not emcstepmot.c
in August.
If you are not using steppermod try making sure everything is recompiled from the same
version of the sources.
If you are using steppermod you will need to get the change I just checked into emcstepmot.c.

shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not 
started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.

The MASTER process needs to start before nonmasters. TASK is a master and xemc, (and tkemc,yemc etc)
are not. Task didn't do the initialization that he needed to probably because of the previous
error which is why xemc is now failing. Solve the previous problem and this should go away by itself.

Barry E. King wrote:
> Hi again Will.
> I still was unable to get usrmot to make any indication of motion even after
> setting P=10 and FF1=1 following your suggestion.  I rebuilt both rcslib and
> emc from scratch and tried again.  This time I was able to get the position
> to change using usrmot but nothing happened at the parallel port.  I even
> inserted steppermod with the port address.
> The attached file emcerrors.txt (didn't do a CRLF replacement) is the result
> of the output from executing  It looks like there is possibly
> some shared memory problem and I am not sure how to track this down.
> rtlinux appears to be otherwise healthy (all the examples run).
> The hardware configuration is correct as I was able to test it and have used
> it under both DOS and Windoze using the same pinout that EMC uses (Xdir=2,
> Xstep=3 and so on).
> rtsim seems to run just fine but does put out similar errors when it exits
> such as:
> Shared memory buffers emcError and  may conflict
> and
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> and
> **********************************************************
> * BufferName = emcError
> * BufferType = 0
> * ProcessName = tool
> * Configuration File = taig2019.nml
> * CMS Status = -1 (CMS_MISC_ERROR:   A miscellaneous  error occured.)
> * Recent errors repeated:
> SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Can not read input command. (5)
> semop(semid=32769, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid
> argument 22
> sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> I have also attached my .ini file.  I am using Gecko G201 drives on the X
> and Y axis, and a half-stepping drive on the Z.
> I have read and re-read the docs and am either missing something, or I have
> some whacky sources.  I did a clean CVS get as of a few days ago (before
> your kerbel version fix) and a clean and a make for all targets.  Ideas?
> Regards,
> Barry
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [root-at-emc /root]# cd /usr/local/emc
> [root-at-emc emc]# ./
> Current platform is linux_2_4_2
> Current real-time platform is rtlinux_3_0
> inivar = plat/linux_2_4_2/bin/inivar
> INIFILE = taig2019.ini
> starting emc...
> /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/2.4.2-rtl/misc/rtl.o
> /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/2.4.2-rtl/misc/mbuff.o
> /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/2.4.2-rtl/misc/rtl_time.o
> /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/2.4.2-rtl/misc/rtl_sched.o
> /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/2.4.2-rtl/misc/rtl_posixio.o
> /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/2.4.2-rtl/misc/rtl_fifo.o
> starting EMC MOTION PROGRAM -- steppermod.o...Warning: plat/rtlinux_3_0/lib/steppermod.o symbol for parameter STG_BASE_ADDRESS not found
> done
> starting EMC IO PROGRAM --  minimillio...done
> Version:  1.1
> Machine:  Taig2019
> simDioInit(taig2019.ini)
> 496: Shared memory buffers emcError and  may conflict. (key=1003(0x3EB))
> 496: Shared memory buffers toolCmd and  may conflict. (key=1004(0x3EC)) 496: Shared memory buffers toolSts and  may conflict. (key=1005(0x3ED)) 496: Shared memory buffers auxSts and  may conflict. (key=1011(0x3F3)) 496: Shared memory buffers auxCmd and  may conflict. (key=1010(0x3F2)) starting EMC TASK PROGRAM -- minimilltask...done
> Version:  1.1
> Machine:  Taig2019
> 496: Shared memory buffers emcCommand and  may conflict. (key=1001(0x3E9))
> 496: Shared memory buffers emcStatus and  may conflict. (key=1002(0x3EA))
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> running EMC DISPLAY PROGRAM -- xemc...
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> **********************************************************
> * Current Directory = /usr/local/emc
> * -at-(#)$Info: RCS_LIBRARY_VERSION 4.39 Compiled on  Oct 17 2001 at 20:25:34 for the linux_2_4_2 platform with compiler version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81) $ .
> **********************************************************
> * BufferName = emcStatus
> * BufferType = 0
> * ProcessName = xemc
> * Configuration File = taig2019.nml
> * CMS Status = -4 (CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.)
> * Recent errors repeated:
> shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occ
> NML: cms_config returned -1.
> * BufferLine: B emcStatus             SHMEM   localhost       8192    0       0       2       16 1002 TCP=5005 xdr
> * ProcessLine: P xemc          emcStatus       LOCAL   localhost       R       0       10.0    0       10
> * Config File = taig2019.nml
> * error_type = 0 (NML_NO_ERROR)
> ************************************************************
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> _shm.c 725: shmget(1002(0x3EA),8192,0) failed: (errno = 2): No such file or directory
> 1389: cms_config: -4(CMS_NO_MASTER_ERROR: An error occured becouse the master was not started.) Error occured during SHMEM create.
> 494: NML: cms_config returned -1.
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 5456: can't establish communication with emc
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> 855: bad return from emcAxisSetMaxVelocity
> unix_sem.c 450: semop(semid=65538, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> unix_sem.c 598: sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> 709: SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> **********************************************************
> * Current Directory = /usr/local/emc
> * -at-(#)$Info: RCS_LIBRARY_VERSION 4.39 Compiled on  Oct 17 2001 at 20:25:34 for the linux_2_4_2 platform with compiler version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.1 2.96-81) $ .
> **********************************************************
> * BufferName = toolCmd
> * BufferType = 0
> * ProcessName = tool
> * Configuration File = taig2019.nml
> * CMS Status = -1 (CMS_MISC_ERROR:   A miscellaneous  error occured.)
> * Recent errors repeated:
> SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Shared memory buffers auxCmd and  may conflict. (key=1010(0x3F2))
> semop(semid=65538, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> * BufferLine: B toolCmd               SHMEM   localhost       1024    0       0       4       16 1004 TCP=5005 xdr
> * ProcessLine: P tool          toolCmd         LOCAL   localhost       RW      0       1.0     1       3
> * error_type = 5 (NML_INTERNAL_CMS_ERROR)
> ************************************************************
> Can not read input command. (5)
> unix_sem.c 450: semop(semid=32769, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> unix_sem.c 598: sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> 709: SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> **********************************************************
> * BufferName = emcError
> * BufferType = 0
> * ProcessName = tool
> * Configuration File = taig2019.nml
> * CMS Status = -1 (CMS_MISC_ERROR:   A miscellaneous  error occured.)
> * Recent errors repeated:
> SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Can not read input command. (5)
> semop(semid=32769, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> * BufferLine: B emcError              SHMEM   localhost       8192    0       0
>       3       16 1003 TCP=5005 xdr queue
> * ProcessLine: P tool          emcError        LOCAL   localhost       W       0       1.0     1       3
> * error_type = 5 (NML_INTERNAL_CMS_ERROR)
> ************************************************************
> unix_sem.c 450: semop(semid=65538, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> unix_sem.c 598: sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> 709: SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Can not read input command. (5)
> unix_sem.c 450: semop(semid=65538, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> unix_sem.c 598: sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> 709: SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Can not read input command. (5)
> unix_sem.c 450: semop(semid=65538, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> unix_sem.c 598: sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> 709: SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Can not read input command. (5)
> unix_sem.c 450: semop(semid=65538, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> unix_sem.c 598: sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> 709: SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Can not read input command. (5)
> unix_sem.c 450: semop(semid=65538, {sem_num=0,sem_op=-1,sem_flg=0},nsops=1): ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> unix_sem.c 598: sem_wait: ERROR: Invalid argument 22
> 709: SHMEM: Can't take semaphore
> Maximum number of errors to print exceeded!
> [root-at-emc emc]#
> taig2019.ini
> Content-Type:
> application/octet-stream
> Content-Encoding:
> 7bit
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> emcerrors.txt
> Content-Type:
> text/plain
> Content-Encoding:
> quoted-printable

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