Re: arc file?


I had to do some other work for a couple days, but now I'm back to learning 
more about EMC.  Could I bother you with a couple other questions?

As you mentioned, some to the modules didn't connect.  I'm new to CVS, and 
couldn't locate the new files you checked in.  Could you point me in the 
right direction.

Why isn't there an entry in the .cfg file for emcsvr?

On the other hand, why is emcsvr running, since there are no remote processes?

You said "emcsvr and emcsh are  utility program without command and status 
buffers of their own so they don't show up either."  They still communicate 
with other modules via NML, but they use the buffers in the other 
modules--is that right?

Thanks in advance.


At 10:49 AM 7/10/01 -0400, you wrote:

>Don McLane wrote:
>>Thanks, this is progress.
>>Do I need to change the module descriptions now?  For instance, in the 
>>.cfg file are entries for:
>>     task, tool, aux, spindle, coolant and lube
>>But the modules I'm running (if I do ps -ax) are:
>>     emcmotsim, simio, bridgeporttask, emcsrv and emcsh
>>Should there be some correspondence?  Or am I missing something?
>The name before the "{" is just used for display. If "bridgeporttool" were 
>clearer to you than just "tool" you could change it.
>However, The real problem is that the term module needs a better 
>definition here.  The diagapplet was designed for module to be an instance 
>of the class NML_MODULE, or any class derived from NML_MODULE. Each 
>NML_MODULE creates two NML buffers that can be used to control it (command 
>buffer) and monitor it (status buffer). A single program can create and 
>run multiple modules so simio runs 5 which I named tool, aux, spindle, 
>coolant, and lube. bridgeporttask doesn't actually create any but it does 
>use NML command and status buffers so it looks to the rest of the world 
>like it is close enough, so it is represented by the task module in the 
>.cfg file.  I ussually think of emcmotsim as having 2 modules trajectory 
>planning and servo but neither directly uses NML for command or status so 
>nothing from emcmotsim is direcly visible in diagapplet or the .cfg file. 
>However in the status display for the task module  in the details view of 
>diagapplet is section for motion which is taken fairly directly from 
>emcmotsim. emcsvr and emcsh are  utility program without command and 
>status buffers of their own so they don't show up either. However, if 
>emcsvr is not running diagapplet won't be able to connect. (The connected 
>checkbox will stay red when clicked on and none of the data in the display 
>will change.) You can tell what the last command emcsh (which is not 
>visible in diagapplet) sent by looking
>at the last command recieved by the task module.
>-- Will
>William Penn Shackleford III          
>National Institute of Standards & Technology    Tel:    (301) 975-4286
>100 Bureau Drive Stop 8230                      FAX:    (301) 990-9688
>Gaithersburg MD  20899  USA
>Office Location: Bldg. 220 Rm A253

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