low pulserate / cycletime / G02?


I have some problems with the speed of my machine.

It seems that I can't get the feedrate over 600 mm/min. I measured circa 720
Hz on the step pins at the parallelport. When I increase the feedrate  in my
pragrams it has no more effect on the velocity. My steppermotors aren't the
problem, they can do more than 4000mm/min. What is the maximum rate at which
the parallelport can compute? Maybe I have to tune the cycletimes in the
ini-file? I set some of the varables to 0 but that didn't seem to have an effect.
I'm using a pentium 550 with 128MB but that shouldn't be a the problem.

Another Problem:

When I'm driving a complete circle, starting from X10 Y0,with the command

G02 X10 Y0 I-10 J0

EMC does the circle twice?

Here are my specifications:

; Cycle time, in seconds, that display will sleep between polls
CYCLE_TIME =            0.200
; Cycle time, in seconds, that task controller will sleep between polls
CYCLE_TIME =            0.0

; Timeout for comm to emcmot, in seconds
COMM_TIMEOUT =          1.0

; Interval between tries to emcmot, in seconds
COMM_WAIT =             0.010

; Base task period, in seconds
PERIOD =                0.000016

; Trajectory planner section

AXES =                          6
COORDINATES =                   X Y Z R P W
; HOME = 0 0 0 0 0 0
LINEAR_UNITS =                  1
ANGULAR_UNITS =                 1.0
CYCLE_TIME =                    0.010
DEFAULT_VELOCITY =          80.0
MAX_VELOCITY =                  80
MAX_ACCELERATION =              15.0
PROBE_INDEX =                   0
PROBE_POLARITY =                1

; Axes sections

; Erste Achse

TYPE =                          LINEAR
UNIT=                           1.0
HOME =                          295.3
MAX_VELOCITY =                  80
P =                             1000.000
I =                             0.000
D =                             0.000
FF0 =                           0.000
FF1 =                           0.000
FF2 =                           0.000
BACKLASH =                      0.000
BIAS =                          0.000
MAX_ERROR =                     0.000
DEADBAND =                      0.00625
CYCLE_TIME =                    0.000500
INPUT_SCALE =                   -80    0
OUTPUT_SCALE =                  -80.000 0.000
MIN_LIMIT =                     -1000.0
MAX_LIMIT =                     1000.0
MIN_OUTPUT =                    -10
MAX_OUTPUT =                    10
FERROR =                        1000.000
; MIN_FERROR =                0.010
HOMING_VEL =                    1.5
HOME_OFFSET =                   -3
ENABLE_POLARITY =               0
HOMING_POLARITY =               1
JOGGING_POLARITY =              1
FAULT_POLARITY =                1

; cycle time, in seconds
CYCLE_TIME =    0.0

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