Re: Looking for Green Letters (Again)

Jason and Joe

My first quick look says that you need to use the bridgeporttask and
bridgeportio for the stg board.  Minimill doesn't try to look at any
extra I/O beyond what stepper or freq mod wants from the parallel port.  I
suspect that stg8 does demand those extra signals in order to work properly.

What I'd suggest is that you switch to tkemc for your gui and when you get
it running you can use the script under the menu button named IO_Exercise to
look at the locations on the stg card.  You can do that by entering the
addresses. (only 8 pins at a time)  We really should write a whole Tcl/Tk
script for analysis of the stg card with addresses and EMC names for the
signals on each pin.  

BTW - If the EMC is running the stg board, you can't use IO_Exercise to
change pin states, only view what they are.  If the EMC isn't running, you
can use the exerciser but I would caution you that there is NO error
checking.  You can trash most anyting that you mis-exercise.


On Wed, 21 Feb 2001, you wrote:
> Matt wrote on Jan 23rd:
> >green. If you set the home switch polarity such that it matches the 
> >state that the input bit naturally floats toward, then the axis should 
> >home immediately when you push the home button. 
> Then Matt wrote on Jan 24th:
> >The inputs to the STG card are regular TTL inputs and need to be pulled 
> >up to +5Vdc through a resistor (1k is about right, maybe even 100 ohms 
> >if you're worried about electrical noise). The switch is connected from 
> >the input to ground: 
> >(+5Vdc)--/\/\/---(STG Input)---(NC Contacts)---(Ground) 
>  Since our last posting our Linux system has been down, but thanks to
> Lawrence Glaister and his excellent tutorial at
> we are now back up and
> running. We are now using Linux 2.2.14 with RTL patch 2.2, and a
> precompiled rpm of the January 15th release downloaded from
>  We also downloaded a console diagnostics program from
> to show us our digital input registers. We know for a fact that while EMC
> is running and we trip the home switch we get a change in polarity. The
> problem is we still don't get green letters or homing behavior. 
>  It now seems to us that our STG2 card and hardwire home switch is 
> functioning properly, but we may not have EMC configured correctly to
> recognize the tripping of the home switch.
>  Attached is our emc.ini. Is there something we are missing? 
> -Jason and Joe

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